Just as the entire sports movement, SMMAF is actively working to keep the sport and athletes away from doping.


SB&K has designed an anti-doping program that describes the purpose, goals and methods. You can find it here:


Antidoping responsible

The Federal Board has appointed Dr. Christian Engvall, member of the Medical Committee, anti-doping officer in SB&K. With his medical knowledge and experience as a doctor, his role is to keep up-to-date on the subject and to serve with his knowledge of SB&K’s anti-doping efforts, at martial arts competitions.


The National Sports Federation (RF) has a standalone anti-doping group that manages the sports anti-doping work across the country. They conduct doping tests and penalties in case of violations. Information about their activities and much more about anti-doping can be found here:

RF Anti-Doping


Athletic anti-doping is governed by the World Organization for World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which establishes the regulatory framework and has a collective approach to all organized anti-doping efforts undertaken at national level. They also review the work of the International Sports Association against doping. Here’s more about WADA, its rules and work:

World Anti-Doping Agency

WADA also has an YouTube account with many video clips with information, interviews with athletes and experts, etc. Here is an information film about how doping tests are conducted:


is actively working to keep our athletes and athletes away from doping, like the entire sports movement. Doping log-500px


In terms of which drugs are prohibited doping is made a distinction between competition and out of competition. There are means and methods that are prohibited both in connection with contest and regular training, while additional funds and methods are prohibited solely in connection with contest. Existing lists of prohibited doping indicate the category of the means or method in question. Please note that it is every athlete’s own obligation to avoid banned doping, so if you feel the least doubt about any medicine or medicine you are taking – check the doping lists below!


WADA determines which means and methods are prohibited. That list is updated every now and then. In order to spread knowledge about doping rules and prevent involuntary doping, the National sports Federation (RF)have these doping lists online:

Red-green list

The red-green list is available on the RF Anti-Doping website. There you can easily check if a drug is prohibited or allowed. Here it is: Red-green list

WADA’s doping list

WADA’s doping list is the set of rules on which the Red-Green list is based. In this you can read more about what substances and methods are prohibited in sports. Here is the link of the RF to the latest version of WADA’s doping list in Swedish: WADA’s doping list


Dispensation rules have been introduced in order for athletes who, for medical reasons, have to use doping-class drugs, be able to exercise their sport. Dispensing rules are in Swedish sport adapted to the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code, regulated by WADA. High and low level classification determines if you need to apply for dispensation. If you are taking a medicine that may contain doping classed drugs, check what is right for you. Please note that the application for exemption cannot be made afterwards. Here is the RF information: Exemption


An aid for the development of anti-doping policy in your association and disseminating anti-doping information is to ”vaccinate” the club against doping. It is a four-step process, with all material available on the web. Here are the four steps:
  • Step 1: Everyone in the association’s board conducts a knowledge test.
  • Step 2: You have a discussion about doping issues within the board.
  • Step 3: You create an anti-doping policy.
  • Step 4: You inform about the vaccination.
Here is the RF website with information and material to vaccinate the club: Vaccinate the club


Be extremely careful when using food supplements! Many preparations offered on the market are shown in tests containing prohibited doping supplements, though not shown on the table of contents. It also happens that preparations change content over time, without being shown on the packaging. This has led to a large number of athletes having been charged in doping controls. Note that according to the sports antidoping rules, athletes are personally responsible for everything they eat or otherwise take. Anyone who is found to be doped can always be punished no matter the reason. The safest thing is to refrain completely from food supplements. There is no scientific support for athletes with normal diet to need extra food supplements. RF’s diet policy is based on current scientific evidence and proven experience. You can find it here and other information about dietary supplements, as well as RF’s dietary recommendations for elite athletes: